zaterdag 15 april 2017

Cut Up

All the parts looked functional, but it kind of felt like getting Booster for Christmas instead of Turbo Man. He's not giving much for the crowd to work with, unless you consider confusion something to revel in. Make no mistake: this is heartfelt, romantic music that also hits you like a motherfucker. 

We're at the point of understanding where we come from, but we still let the beast speak at volume, much to the detriment of moving forward as a compassionate species. We might feel that the world is going to end, but we need to tap into the joy of being alive this very moment. 

But you can also get into patterns that aren’t as healthy… so it’s important to recognize the liquidity of your person, the fact that we can adapt and change. When you read about places like Iraq and Iran before the revolution, you understand they’re living on borrowed time, because the government is so disconnected from the people. 

The two hit it off instantly and well… let's just say them shiny, shiny boots stayed right where they were stored. So we're collecting oral stories, artifacts, doing the best we can under the circumstances and also trying to be respectful. Instead, they fumbled about like a bunch of “clumsy and oblivious foreigners”, and – more times than not – let the hilarity ensue.